RSK Group, which is an integrated environmental, engineering and technical services business that provides consultancy to energy giants all over the world, requested a solution to make their involvement (a series of webinars and collaborations with local artists from Glasgow -which is where the conference will be takin place) in the UN’s twenty sixth Climate Change Conference; COP26 accessible. The result was an identity design for their #GreenDialogues campaign that carries the RSK name and mission to the future.
RSK’s own branding has been the same since the company’s been founded in the late 80’s. Without intervening with their well established guidelines, we introduced a brand new look for this long-term social media campaign which will end in November. The new identity adopts RSK’s green colour but distinguishes itself from its environment in every other way. It introduces gradients and sleek graphics with a gritty finishing touch that work together to create a futuristic look.
Instagram Stories for #GreenDialogues.
RSK’s four webinars that investigate the steps that are already being taken for a greener future.
In addition to its COP26 campaign, we gave The RSK Group’s social media accounts a much needed makeover as well. Because the request for a social media transformation came after the success of the campaign’s pitch and introduction, you can see some of the elements from #greendialogues and a touch of its general look and feel being carried into the the new RSK look.
The client requested an environmental post that would be an homage to Trainspotting because Scotland is hosting COP26.
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